An episode of How I Met Your Mother reminded me that superpowers was one of the blog posts I had composed in my head during my three week of rocking chair captivation!
We all have a superpower.
Let me explain to those scratching their heads and searching the depths of their closets for their long one piece underwear...
Erin, my fourteen year old daughter can find anything. If you've been looking that one pearl drop earring for an hour, Erin can walk into the room, close one eye and crawl under your bed, throw out seventeen socks, forty bobby pins and six novels until voila! There's your earring!
Kristyn, my sixteen year old daughter, can take any photo or painting and draw it exactly as shown. It's an amazing talent and one that I can't even imagine having. Of course, the most adorable part is that with her amazing talent and sheer concentration comes the fact that she sticks out her tongque as she works. Just as she did when she was a toddler making sandcastles.
My sister is freakishly strong. I don't know what it is or what she eats, but she has always been able to not only kick my ass, but open jars and beat truckers at arm wrestles. (Dad, don't ask about that last one, just trust us.)
My oldeset and dearest friend Lianne has a wicked memory for details. Trust me, girl knows more about my teen years than I do! She has birthdays, shoes sizes, natural hair colours and all sorts of minute details at the tip of her tongue. There is nothing like standing in a crowd, telling friends a tale, only to have her say "Actually it wasn't 1990, it was 1991 and you weren't wearing jeans you were wearing track pants. I know this because we were driving so we couldn't have been fifteen years old and you had your track pants on because when we agreed to do that scavenger hunt you wanted to win so badly you refused to put jeans on in case they impeded your ability to steal street signs and Quebec political signs. Remember, we went to the Depanneur to get beer? It was raining that night and then we went for Big Macs?"
My superpower? I start trends. I don't mean that in a douchebaggey, hipster kind of way, but I can be surfing the internet late one night, follow link after link and find the most obscure song. I will play it for weeks, only to hear Ryan Seacrest announce it as the biggest mover on the countdown that week. I mean, the first time you heard "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers were you not wondering where in the world that folksy magic had come from? I think Ryan is monitoring my downloads. Should I be worried?
On a whim one day in December (okay, it was more like three years of begging, suggesting, and to be honest, bullying my stylist), I got bangs. What do you know!? Michelle freaking Obama rocks the Innaugural Ball with a lovely fringe. Let's not even go near the Golden Globes red carpet. Yes, I know Zooey Deschanel has been sporting bangs for years, but her superpower is that she can see th future and how hot I was going to look.
Oh? Anothere superpower of mine? Humility. I'm Captain Humility!
I'll let you tell me what your superpower is now and shut up. But before I do, I will hereby take absolute full credit for unleashing "Shut the front door!" on the world.
Consider your superpower and please share it with me. I might let you in on the latest trend!