I've sat here with my publisher open for over an hour, desperate to give you some witty and sentimental review of the last year. Know why it sat there so long? Because 2009 sucked. Seriously. The best day of the entire year was my birthday, where one of my dearest friends made me an amazing birthday dinner. That day, I felt truly loved. I'm sure that feeling is there somewhere else in 2009, but it's also interlaced with heinous drama, strife and a feeling of unknown so unsettling it gives me the shakes.
But you know what? 2009 doesn't just mark the end of one year, it marks the end of a whole decade. And a lot has happened in that decade. I'm ten years older (duh!) and the amount of kids I had doubled exponentially! That's pretty big, no?
Here are some of the highlights of the first ten years of this millennium for the Hubert Family:
- We were told, in no uncertain terms, that we would probably only ever have two kids. I remember that day clearly. March 5, 2000. The doctor told me it just didn't look like it was going to happen for us. Kristyn and Erin came along just fine, but those two little monkeys were all we'd be getting.
- On May 25, 2001, I got to tell that doctor to suck it. Meghan was born! Then on February 11, 2003 no one was more shocked when we had a boy. Like a real boy. With a penis and everything. I had no idea what to do, but I was thrilled.
- We moved into our dream house on May 21, 2000. Given that we had just been told we would only have two kids, the modest but beautiful house in a wonderful suburb was excellent.
- Then we grew out of that dream house and traded it in for a whole new dream - being house rich and insanely cash poor in a massively large farm house in Almonte. Small town living has proven to be idyllic for us. Loves it!
- John's business flourished and then eventually started to wind down. Now, he's working for someone else for the first time in his life and he's actually liking it.
- I went to work. Not just back to work, but to work. For ten years I was a stay at home mom and one day someone saw me fit enough to hire. I've had a great job for over two years and while the last month has been pure, un-yielding hell (for other reasons), it's about to get really great.
- There have been countless children potty-trained, diapered, taught to ride bikes, taught to read, taught to say "excuse me" me when they burp or fart. First teeth, first steps, first teeth falling out, first Christmases, first birthdays, Kawasaki Disease, ear tubes, tonsillectomies, dislocated elbows, severed fingers, stitches and so many doses of antibiotics, I've lost count. But, and I heard I jinx it, surprisingly no broken bones!
- I've run, played soccer, done adventure races, triathlons and so much more. I daresay, my ass looks better than it did in my teens.
So, no matter how you count it, here's to another decade. Hope you're feeling okay this morning!