There is no other reason for summer, really. And Big Brother did not dissappoint. I was so excited last night I was sitting on my feet and I really did yell out "Oh My God I love Big Brother!" to John.
Three of the kids have soccer on Thursdays so John and I PVR it at 8pm and then watch it when the kids are in bed. Last night we drank some beers, had some chips and dip and didn't think about the business, the kids, the mortgage or the huge tax bill we just got. All we thought about was alliances, people from your past and those magic words everyone wants to hear from Julie Chen's irritatingly thin, but big haired, body; "Expect the unexpected!"
Chills. I got chills.
So far, no real opinions on any players. Except to say that so far, I don't totally hate Carol or Danielle. Evil Dick reminds me of a geriatric Tommy Lee, which is sad for me, because I lust after Tommy Lee. Seeing what he'll look like in ten years is not pretty.
AND! Eric, America's player, is all kinds of awesome because he mentioned internet bloggers in his pledge to kick-ass.
I love that so many players are coming up with alter-egos. What would yours be? I would tell everyone I'm a widow with four kids. I'd keep my age and occupation though, because I'd lose track of all my fake details and people would figure me out.
Aitch has post-episode discussions on her site. I think she leaves those open to anyone, so take it over there and chit chat about it!
I've come to the conclusion that no one in my town goes out for social reasons anymore. We don't want to see anyone else or form new friendships. We just want to tag each other in Facebook photos and make new Facebook friends.
While at soccer I'll look around at faces and think "Where have I seen her before?" and 99% of the time it turns out I've seen them while creeping Facebook late at night.
I'm not ashamed. I can handle this. I dropped another addiction to add this one. I no longer care that Nick is back and he doesn't remember Phylis. Unless it's on in the background. Then I'll listen.
Tonight is The Works and George Thorogood at Bluesfest. I'm spending the night with John, one bourbon, one scotch and one beer. I know that's how I spent last Saturday night, but I'm only 32 (as of last Saturday) so I can handle it.